There were two particular points in time during the festival
where I could consciously feel what the writers were saying kind of watering
the parts of my being that produce creative written material. The first
occurred as Sharon Olds was speaking about her experiences writing and growing
up, followed by her recital of the poem she penned whilst on the plane from the
United States to Australia.
Then, as Alexis was reading The Swan Book on Saturday morning, I was suddenly possessed by an
idea for a passage that would fit perfectly in the story I’m writing, and
jotted a note which I’d then use to start a writing session when I got home
that night.
I think our experiences, at least on some level, feed into
whatever it is we’re creating, and I do believe that it was being at the
festival, being in the presence of so many writers and readers and lovers of
words, that spun these ideas into being. I don’t know that these passages would
have come about in any other way.
I am yet to discover what else will come through, either
consciously or subconsciously, from the festival onto the page… but I’m excited
to see what comes of this.
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