Saturday, 25 July 2015

A Community

I was writing some of these posts about the festival and found that I was really only writing about the events themselves. Indeed, it would be remiss of me to complete this blog without mentioning the wonderful group of people I shared this experience with – the Writers in Action!

Five days isn’t that much time spent together, but thrown together as we were in attending classes and festival events with one another for five days, we became a sort of small community. I really think doing it through a University subject actually enhanced my experience of the festival as opposed to if I had gone by myself or with someone else I knew, who may not have had the same rapt glee about attending as I did. It meant that everyone who was there really wanted to be there, and having this mutual interest in writing definitely enriched my experience of the events.

Our bond was such that, after our presentation of the WiA Awards at the Finale Lunch, upon someone’s suggestion a group of us took a trip to the Perry Sandhills in Wentworth. As much as we had all revelled in the chance to listen to the writers talk about their works and experiences, it was nice to have the opportunity to simply hang out for a while on the dunes, especially as it was after the festival had ended.

Of course, when I say ‘community’, this includes our class’ wonderful teacher, fellow writing lover and friend, Sue. Without Sue, none of this would have happened – none of this would have been possible.

In high school it took me a little while to find people who were interested in some of the same things I am, so I’ve been a part of groups that appreciate reading, but this is really my first writing community, and it feels like a special bond to share. So, to everyone involved in this adventure, I think you are all wonderful people in different ways, and I couldn’t have asked for a better group to experience this festival and this subject with. I am happy we have all become friends and I wish you all the best.

Thank you.


  1. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your blogposts Zach, and I agree with your sentiments. The bond we formed in this class was a major factor in the positive experience, and it gives me a great deal of pleasure and pride to have played my part in facilitating that. Namaste!

    1. I appreciate it, Sue! This all happened through your brilliant ideas, so I am glad you feel the rewards of it too. Namaste! :)
